Archive for February, 2009

Free Workshop in March

Please invite everyone that you know in the Muskogee, Oklahoma area to a free workshop, sponsored by the General Forrest #881 chapter: Proofs and Applications March 21, 2009 1-4 PM Muskogee Public Library Presenters: Members of #2611 Note: If you are on Facebook, search “General Forrest” and RSVP and Share.

Yearbooks: The big picture in broad strokes

Military precision is not demanded of yearbooks. Indeed, neatness, systematic arrangement, artistic appearance are all marks of quality. Let your Southern muse guide you. Yes, quality means something in any competition. For UDC judging, it counts for up to 10% of points standings.

Yearbooks: Memorials

If your group has had a bad year, each memoral should be listed separately or starred. If your group hasn’t experienced a loss, indicate this by footnote or brief tribute to a deceased Division Officer or all Daughters who died during the past year.

Yearbooks: Real Daughters

Any Real Daughters should be listed separately or starred. If your group doesn’t have any, indicate this by footnote or brief tribute to a deceased Real Daughter.

Yearbooks: Be Observant

We are always looking for ways to incorporate our Confederate Days of Observance. Adding them to the yearbook helps with judging, as well as putting a yearly ready reference in all members houeholds.